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Welsh Lady

Barmouth, Merionethshire - At 1.12 p.m. on 30th April, 1967, it was learned that a boat was on fire opposite Dyffryn, seven and a half miles north of Barmouth. The coastguard had been advised of the incident by a local resident.

The life-boat The Chieftain was launched at 1.30 in a fresh south westerly wind and a choppy sea. It was high water. The coastguard also requested the assistance of two local speedboats and a helicopter.

The life-boat reached the casualty, the fishing boat Welsh Lady which was carrying a crew of five, at 2.25. It was ascertained that the boat's engine had failed, but there was no fire on board.

Owing to the state of the tide and his boat's proximity to the causeway, the skipper requested a tow to Barmouth.

The life-boat towed the casualty to port, returning to her station at 4 o'clock..