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The Motor Fishing Vessell Hamoaze

Fleetwood, Lancashire - At 9.30 a.m.

on 26th March, 1967, the owner of the motor fishing vessel Hamoaze informed the honorary secretary that a crew on board his vessel were attempting to salvage her as she was aground on Pilling sands. In view of the bad weather forecast the life-boat crew assembled in the boathouse where they were able to keep the Hamoaze under observation. There was a westerly gale with a rough sea. It was one hour and a quarter before high water. At II o'clock the Hamoaze was seen to be afloat and being driven ashore. The lifeboat Ann Letitia Russell immediately launched and put a line aboard the vessel.

In view of the prevailing weather, sea and tidal conditions the life-boat was unable to tow the Hamoaze clear. When the tide started to ebb the salvage attempt was abandoned and the life-boat rescued the four people on board the Hamoaze, returning to her station at 1.15 p.m..