The Blue Funnel Vessel Ajax
At 5.46 p.m. on 5th March, 1967, news was received that the Holyhead pilot boat had broken down and required assistance.
The life-boat Lady Jane and Martha Ryland, on temporary duty at the station, was launched at 6 o'clock in a fresh to strong south westerly wind and a rough sea. It was almost high water. She took a Liverpool pilot off the pilot boat and proceeded to the Blue Funnel vessel Ajax.
After putting the pilot aboard the vessel she returned to the pilot boat and took her in tow. The life-boat towed her into the inner harbour and was about to return to her station when the coastguard reportedthat another boat owned by a Holyhead pilot had broken down near the Holyhead breakwater. The life-boat proceeded to the position and found the boat, which was drifting, with one man aboard. She towed the boat into the inner harbour and returned to her station, arriving at 7.46..