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Stan Woolaway

Appledore, North Devon and Lifeboat 70-001 - Off the Mumbles - At 4.20 p.m. on I3th March, 1967, the Appledore coxswain was informed that the m.v. Stan Woolaway had a bad list and was thought to be sinking at Mort Point. An R T message advised that her crew had been picked up and that the m.v. William Woolaway was standing by the vessel. The coxswain informed the honorary secretary and he decided to send the life-boat in case her assistance was required. The life-boat Louisa Anne Hawker slipped her moorrings at 4.30 in a strong to gale force north westerly wind and a very rough sea. It was four hours after low water. She proceeded to Mort Point, and found the casualty a quarter of a mile to the west of Bull Point. The coxswain informed life-boat 70-001 of her exact position and stood by until 6.20 when the life-boat Charks H. Barrett (Civil Service No. 35), which had proceeded at 4.5 arrived. The Appledore life-boat then returned to her station, arriving at 9 o'clock. The life-boat 70-001 stood by until 6.50, and then proceeded to Ilfracombe and was moored in the harbour at 7.40..