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Margate, Kent - At 2.46 p.m. on gth April, 1967, news was received that the motor launch Skylark was in difficulties about 400 yards off Herne Bay. The lifeboat North Foreland (Civil Service No. 11) was launched at 3.14 in a north easterly gale and a rough sea. It was one hour after high water. The motor launch was located anchored in shallow water at 4.45. In addition to the skipper there were four men and two boys on board and the coxswain's offer to take off the passengers was declined. The life-boat stood by for 15 minutes. The skipper of the Skylark then stated that he required no assistance and the life-boat returned to Ramsgate at 8.15 as tidal conditions prevented a direct return to Margate. Owing to continuing bad weather the life-boat was unable to return to her station until 4.30 p.m. on I ith April..