Advanced search

Rescue at Sea

• Rescue At Sea by John M. Waters, Jr. Captain U.S. Coast Guard (D. Van Nostrand Company Inc.) This well produced and strikingly illustrated book written by a senior officer of the U.S. Coast Guard makes fascinating and absorbing reading of the work of sea rescue in all its wide applications today.

Rescues by ship, boat, helicopter, fixed wing aircraft and skin divers are des- cribed in crisp detail. The emphasis, however,is on helicopter work. It is interest- ing to note the large number of casualties at sea which are due to illness or accident rather than wind or weather and some hazardous rescue trips were necessary in order to render assistance to people with appendicitis and a variety of other acute attacks, some real, some imaginary. Cuban refugees and some activities in support of the law which would not normally be described as 'rescue work' also come within the scope of the U.S. Coast Guard service. In all, a most interesting book for all who like sea stories and one of considerable value in the study of present day sea rescue work. —E.W..