At 8.28 p.m. on igth April, 1967, it was seen that the Dutch coaster Lupia anchored off Longnose Ledge was dragging her anchor. The vessel, showing only a mast-light, made no response to shore signals. The life-boat North Foreland (Civil Service No. u) was launched at 9.46 in a moderate south westerly wind and in a choppy sea. It was high water.
On reaching the vessel at 10.15 the hfe~ boat coxswain received no response to his calls on the loud hailer and put three of the life-boat's crew aboard to investigate.
After some delay, as the vessel was in total darkness, the skipper and crew of three were eventually located in the after cabins. The Lupia had anchored at 5.30 p.m. on receiving unfavourable weather reports and the skipper and crew had all apparently fallen asleep. They had no idea that they had dragged anchor and had drifted about four miles into the shipping lanes. The skipper, who spoke very little English, said he would weigh anchor and stay close to shore until resuming his passage at midnight. As all now appeared to be in order the life-boat returned to her station at 11.40..