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IRB Launches. Rescues by IRB's in March were Carried out by the Following Stations

NORTH-EASTERN DISTRICT Filey, Yorkshire - At 3.5 p.m. on 28th March, 1967, news was received that a small boat had capsized in the bay and had fired a flare. The IRB was launched at 3.10 in a strong north westerly wind and a smooth sea. It was two hours before high water. She found the boat and took one man aboard. The boat was righted and towed to the beach, where the man was landed. The IRB returned to her station at 3.20.

Bridlington, Yorkshire - At 1.35 p.m. on z6th March, 1967, the coastguard informed the coxswain that a dinghy had capsized off Atwick, eight miles south of Bridlington. The IRB was launched at 1.40 in a gale force south westerly wind and a choppy sea. The tide was flooding.

On arrival at the scene of the casualty, the IRB crew saw a helicopter rescuing one of the dinghy's crew of two by winch, while the other 'man swam ashore. Their dinghy was taken in tow by the IRB and beached. While returning to the station, the crew saw a small motor boat with five people on board in difficulties with engine failure. The boat, which was being swept out to sea, was taken in tow by the IRB to Atwick beach. The Bridling- ton life-boat Tillie Morrison Sheffield II launched at 4.30 to see if the IRB required assistance. No assistance was needed and the life-boat returned to her station. The IRB returned to her station at 4.55.

SOUTH-EASTERN DISTRICT Skegness, Lincolnshire - At 1.50 p.m.

on 26th March, 1967, a report was received that a dinghy had capsized about two and a half miles to the north east of Skegness pier. The IRB was launched at 1.57 in a fresh south westerly wind and a moderate sea. The tide was ebbing. She proceeded to the dinghy and took aboard two men, one of whom was suffering from exposure.

The sea was too choppy to right and tow tth dinghy, so the IRB landed the men on the beach. Information was then received that another dinghy had capsized a mile and a half to the north. The IRB found the dinghy, took a man aboard and towed the dinghy to the beach at Jackson's Corner. The IRB crew were then told of a third dinghy which had capsized in about the same position as the first one. They went at once to the position given and arrived at the same time as a helicopter, which lifted two men from the sea and landed them on the beach. It was still too rough for the IRB to save the dinghy, so she returned to her station, arriving at 4.45.

Margate, Kent - At 3.40 p.m. on 30th March, 1967, the motor mechanic informed the honorary secretary that three people were cut off by the tide at Whiteness Point. There was a light west north westerly breeze with a calm sea. It was about half an hour before high water.

The IRB was launched at 3.49 and pro- ceeded to the position indicated. A girl was standing on a small ledge on the cliff face, about five feet above the sea.

There was sufficient water for the IRB to go close in and the girl was helped into the boat. She said that her two sisters had tried to get round the point to reach her but were unable to do so. The IRB was beached a short distance from the point and the other two girls were placed in the IRB which returned to her station at 4.30.

See page 20$ for other IRB Launches.