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Dinghies and Viveuse

Swanage, Dorset - At 1.58 p.m. on 2Oth May, 1967, a message was received that a dinghy was in need of assistance off Poole Bar buoy. Later two other dinghies were reported in trouble. The lifeboat R.L.P. was launched at 2.30 in a fresh south westerly wind and a choppy sea. It was two hours after low water. A dinghy with four people on board was eventually found. The crew were taken on board the life-boat and the dinghy was taken in tow. The life-boat then overhauled the motor cruiser Viveuse with a second dinghy in tow. The crew of four had been taken on board the cruiser. The two dinghies and their crews were put safely ashore at Studland Bay. The lifeboat returned to sea in order to locate two further dinghies which were reported to be still at sea. The life-boat found these and escorted them safely to shore. She returned to her station at 4.35..