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Best Wreck Service

The Rt. Hon. Douglas Jay, M.P., President of the Board of Trade, has awarded the shield for the best wreck service of the year 1966/67 to the Belhelvie and Collieston Coastguard Rescue Companies for their rescue of six men by breeches buoy from the stranded fishing boat Semnos II on the east coast of Scotland on i6th December, 1966. (THE LIFE-BOAT, June, 1967, page 118).

Describing the circumstances leading to the award, Commander P. J. H.

Bartlett, Chief Inspector, H.M. Coastguard said: 'The two companies worked well together in bitterly cold conditions and, once communication was estab- lished, the crew were brought off in record time from the vessel. I can give nothing but praise for the hardy and indomitable way in which these east coast men tackled this particular service.'.