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Arvidsjauer, of Stockholm

Penlee, Cornwall - At 8 p.m. on 6th March, 1967, the honorary secretary informed the coxswain that the life-boat would be needed at 6 a.m. the following morning to take a doctor out to the m.v.

Arvidsjauer of Stockholm which had a sick man on board. The life-boat Solomon Browne was launched at 6.10 on 7th March in a gale force southerly wind and a very rough sea. It was low water. She embarked a doctor and ambulance crew at Newlyn and then proceeded to meet the vessel.

The life-boat came alongside the vessel four miles south of Penzance at 7.35. The weather had deteriorated and was too rough to take the patient off. The Arvidsjauer therefore decided to continue to Falmouth where the man was landed and taken to hospital. The life-boat returned to Newlyn at 7.55..