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An Outboard Gemini Craft

St. Ives, Cornwall - At 8.17 p.m. on I3th May, 1967, it was reported that an outboard Gemini craft had left Porthmeor Cove at 2.30 and had not been sighted since. The life-boat Edgar, George, Orlando and Eva Child was launched at 8.50 in a slight wind and a calm sea. The tide was flooding. The IRB was launched, and a helicopter also assisted in the search. At 10.30 a flare wasseen in a position seven miles north north west of St. Ives Head. The life-boat proceeded to the position and found the casualty with the IRB standing by. The crew - a Royal Marine Commando instructor and five W.R.N.S. - were taken on board and the Gemini craft taken in tow. The life-boat towed the casualty to St. Ives and returned to her station at 11.50. A letter of appreciation was received from the commanding officer at Melville Camp..