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A Royal Reception

A reception was held at St. James's Palace on nth July, 1967, to mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of the day on which Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent, became the Institution's President. The Committee of Management had voted Her Royal Highness the R.N.L.I.'s gold medal, and Captain the Honour- able V. M. Wyndham-Quin, R.N., the Chairman, presented it during the reception.

LARGE GATHERING Some 600 men and women actively associated with the life-boat service in various capacities were present from many parts of Britain and Ireland, extend- ing from the Shetlands to the Channel Islands. Among those presented to Princess Marina were two gold medallists, ex-coxswain Thomas King of St.

Helier and Lieut.-Commander H. H. Harvey, V.R.D., R.N.R., district inspector.

Continued on page 165Above is a facsimile of the letter Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent, wrote to Captain the Honourable V. M. Wyndham-Quin, Chairman of the R.N.L.I., after the reception at St. James's Palace: 'I am writing to thank you once more for the great honour you and the Royal National Life-boat Institution have done me in conferring the gold medal upon me. As I said last night, I am deeply moved by this award and shall always be immensely proud of it. May I add my thanks for the reception last night, which I so much enjoyed? It gave me a wonderful opportunity to see many old friends and to meet so many, many people who, through their loyalty and affection, give such splendid support to the Life-boat Service' - Believe me, Yours very sincerely, Marina..