A Racing Skiff
Torbay, Devon - At 10.28 a.m on 9th April, 1967, it was reported that four youths were rowing from Teignmouth to Dartmouth in a 16-foot racing skiff. Their escort boat had gone aground and the youths had continued without it. As the sea was too bad for this type of craft the coastguard requested that the life-boat launch in view of the increasing wind and sea conditions and advise them not to proceed any further. The life-boat Princess Alexandra of Kent slipped her moorings at 10.45 m a strong north east by northerly wind and a moderate sea. It was three hours after high water. She found the youths aboard their escort boat in Oddicombe Bay. The escort boat, which was a converted ship's life-boat, had refloated and caught them up. They were baling out their skiff. After persuading them not to go any further the life-boat escorted the boats to Torquayharbour where the youths went ashore and returned to Teignmouth by road.
The life-boat returned to her station at 12.5 p.m..