Advanced search

A Dinghy and Team

At 11.30 a.m. on 3oth April, 1967, news was received that a small dinghy had broken down one and a half miles off shore. The IRB was launched and the coastguard then reported that a red flare had been sighted from another boat. The IRB -was seen to approach the dinghy originally in trouble and then proceed in a seaward direction. The coastguard requested the launching of the life-boat to assist in the search to seaward. The life-boat Tynesider was launched at noon in a gale force west north westerly wind and a rough sea. The tide was on the ebb.

The IRB had already located the casualty, the motor-boat Team of Newcastle, and had taken off a young boy who was very ill. The life-boat arranged by radio for an ambulance to meet the IRB, and then took the casualty with her remaining crew of three in tow and returned to her station at i p.m. A helicopter also assisted..