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The Private Wireless Transmitting Station Ocean 7 (Radio 270)

At 2.25 p.m. on 5th January, 1967, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that the private wireless transmitting station Ocean 7 (Radio 270), had an injured man on board, and asked if the life-boat could take him off as he was hi need of hospital treatment. The life-boat Tillie Morrison, Sheffield II was out on exercise at that time with the inspector of life-boats on board. The message was passed to the life-boat which proceeded immediately in a gale force northerly wind and very rough sea. It was two hours after high water. The ship Ocean 7 was anchored one mile north east of the South Smithic buoy. Owing to the heavy swell that had been running for several days causing broken water over the Smithic sands, the life-boat proceeded to the South Smithic buoy and together with the Ocean 7 proceeded to more sheltered water in the bay. The injured man was then taken aboard the life-boat and landed at Bridlington harbour. The life-boat resumed her exercise at 4.11..