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The M.V Marilene

Life-boat 70-001, Bristol Channel - At 2.30 p.m. on 23rd January, 1967, the coxswain of the seventy foot life-boat intercepted a radio message that the m.v.

Marilene had broken down and required assistance in a position eight miles northeast by east of Trevose Head. The lifeboat Charles H. Barrett (Civil Service No.

55) proceeded at 4.15 in a gale force south westerly wind and a very rough sea. It was one hour after high water. She came up with the vessel at 7.25 and relieved the two trawlers which were standing by. The life-boat escorted the Marilene to Lundy Island where they anchored at 10.47. OQ the advice of the life-boat coxswain theMarilene sailed for Swansea the next morning at 8.15 a.m. escorted by the lifeboat.

At 3 o'clock they arrived off Swansea where the Marilene took a pilot on board. The life-boat proceeded to the South dock where she was secured at 3.15..