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The British Cargo Ship Kohima

Penlee, Cornwall - At 10 p.m. on 2 ist January, 1967, information was received that help would be needed to take a sick man off the British cargo ship Kohima which was four miles south of Penzance. The life-boat Solomon Browne was launched at 3.45 a.m. on an ebb tide the following morning. There was a strong west south westerly wind and a moderate sea. The life-boat proceeded to Newlyn to embark a doctor and ambulance crew and arrived alongside the ship at 5.40. The patient was placed aboard the life-boat which left at 6.30. The sick man was landed at Newlyn at 7.10 where the life-boat had to be moored owing to heavy ground swell at the slipway. The life-boat was rehoused at 3 p.m. on 24th January..