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Saga Surf

Penlee, Cornwall - At n p.m. on 25th December, 1966, the honorary secretary informed the coxswain that the life-boat would be needed to meet the tanker Saga Surf which had a very sick man on board. The life-boat Solomon Browne was launched at 12.45 a.m. in a light northerly wind and a moderate sea.

The tide was flooding. She proceeded to Newlyn, where a doctor embarked, and then took him out to the ship. The lifeboat met the Norwegian tanker Saga Surf six miles south of Penzance. The doctor went aboard and treated the patient.

There was a very heavy ground swell and the tanker proceeded into the bay before the life-boat took the patient and doctor off. The life-boat returned to Newlyn and landed them at 3.45..