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Prelude and Marie Christine

Barra Island, Outer Hebrides - At 4.20 p.m. on 2oth February, 1967, two French trawlers, the Prelude and the Marie Christine, were reported to have broken down 10 miles west of Ardnamurchan.

The life-boat R. A. Colby Cubbin No. 3 proceeded at 4.45 in a strong south westerly gale force wind and a very rough sea. The tide was ebbing. She arrived at the scene at 9.15. In the meantime two French trawlers had arrived and had taken them in tow. They were making for the Sound of Mull. The lifeboat escorted the vessels a considerable distance. As both trawlers in tow were making good headway the life-boat then proceeded to her station, arriving back at her moorings at 6.15 a.m. on 2ist February, 1967..