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St. Ives, Cornwall - At 9 a.m. on 25th February, 1967, a message wasreceived that a local doctor wanted the assistance of the life-boat to land the master of the motor vessel Orwell. The vessel was due at St. Ives at 9.20 in a near gale force south south westerly wind and a rough sea. It was low water. At 9.40 the Orwell was contacted off St.

Ives Head and piloted by the life-boat to a smooth anchorage in St. Ives Bay.

The honorary medical adviser was put on board. At 10.10 the master was embarked in the life-boat and landed at St. Ives, where he was transferred to a waiting ambulance. After landing the patient the life-boat returned to her station, arriving at 11.15..