None (4)
At 11.30 a.m. on loth December, 1966, the local doctor informed the honorary secretary that a sick woman on Inishmaan Island was in need of hospital treatment, and that he had to attend another patient on Inishere Island. In the absence of any other suitable craft, he asked if the lifeboat could be used in this instance. The life-boat Mabel Marion Thompson, with the doctor on board, left her moorings at 12.15 p.m. in a strong westerly wind and a rough sea. It was two hours after low water. She proceeded to Inishmaan Island and embarked the sick woman. The lifeboat then continued to Inishere Island where she landed the doctor, and then conveyed the patient to Rossaveel where she was transferred to a waiting ambulance and taken to hospital. The life-boat then returned to Inishere, embarked the doctor and proceeded to Kilronan, arriving back on station at 7.40..