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Rhyl, Flintshire - At 7.5 p.m. on 5th January, 1967, news was received that the engine of the pilot launch Nancy had broken down in a position between the North East and Dee buoys while taking a pilot out to a ship. The life-boat Anthony Robert Marshall was launched at 7.25 in a moderate north north westerly wind and a corresponding sea. It was one hour after high water. She proceeded to the area indicated and started searching with theaid of parachute flares. A further message was received from the coastguard giving the pilot boat's position as one mile south east of a small coaster at anchor near the Dee buoy. At 8.43 the life-boat found the launch Nancy and at the request of the pilot the launch was towed into Mostyn harbour. After the Nancy was safely moored the life-boat returned to her station, arriving at 9.45..