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St. Peter Port, Guernsey - At 5 p.m. on 9th February, 1967, the fishing boat Marguerite, with one man on board, was reported overdue. After further inquiries to see if the fishing boat had put in to another port, it was decided to launch the life-boat Euphrosyne Kendal.

The life-boat proceeded at 5.45 in a slight north north easterly breeze and slight sea. The tide was flooding. The Marguerite was found just after 9 o'clock. There wasno one on board. After taking the fishing boat in tow the life-boat searched for the missing man until 11.25 when the search was called off until daybreak next day. The life-boat resumed the search at 6.20 a.m., together with civil aircraft, but without success, and the life-boat finally returned to her station at 10.25..