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Garibaldi J.

Lowestoft, Suffolk - At 10.15 a-m- on 15th December, 1966, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that the tug Kendall, towing the inshore fishing vessel Garibaldi J. from Rotterdam to Lowestoft, had run aground on the Newcombe sandbanks. The Garibaldi J. had damaged her bow when she ran forward into the grounded tug and the tug had cast her adrift. The life-boat Frederick Edward Crick was launched at 10.55 in a gale force south westerly wind and a rough sea. It was one hour to high water.She reached the Garibaldi J. just before she ran aground on Lowestoft south beach. As there was no one aboard the coxswain transferred three of his crew to the vessel and towed her into Lowestoft harbour. The life-boat then returned to stand by the tug Kendall which was still aground. An oil-rig supply vessel had made an attempt to tow her off but without success. The tide was now ebbing and the weather worsening, so the life-boat took off the tug's eight man crew. The life-boat landed the men at Lowestoft and returned to her station at 1.30 p.m. The tug was refloated the next day by the Lowestoft pilot boat..