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Flamingo, of Stavanger (1)

Longhope, Orkneys, and Wick, Caithness-shire - At 11.27 a.m. on 26th January, 1967, it was learned that a vessel was transmitting a Mayday call off Pentland Skerries. The Longhope life-boat T.G.B. was launched at 11.45 in a strong east by southerly wind and a rough sea.

She proceeded toward the position indicated.

The Wick life-boat City of Edinburgh was launched at 11.55 a-m- an(i reached the motor fishing vessel Flamingo, of Stavanger, just after she had been taken in tow by the Norwegian m.v.

Brunholm. She escorted the vessels towards Duncansbay Head, and when the tow line broke in the heavy swell, she assisted in running two ropes to the m.v.

Brunholm. When the vessels reachedDuncansbay Head the Longhope lifeboat took over the escort duty and the Wick life-boat returned to her station, arriving at 4.50 p.m. The T.G.B. escorted the vessels until they were within two miles of Scrabster harbour and well clear of the strong tides. The life-boat then returned to her station, arriving at 8.30 p.m., and the Brunholm towed the Flamingo into Scrabster harbour..