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Fairy Queen

Stronsay, Orkneys - At 8.55 p.m. on 5th December, 1966, it was reported that a distress call had been received from the motor fishing vessel Fairy Queen which was aground in Odiness Bay, Stronsay.

The life-boat The John Gellatly Hyndman slipped her moorings at 9.12 in a fresh westerly wind and a moderate sea. It was an hour and a half before low water.

She reached the Fairy Queen at 9.55.

There was no immediate cause for anxiety but the master asked the life-boat to stand by until his vessel refloated. When the tide began to flow a line was secured to the fishing vessel and at 1.45 a.m. the Fairy Queen was refloated. The life-boat then escorted her to Stronsay harbour, arriving at 2.20..