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Calendars and Cards

ONCE again the Institution will have on sale a pictorial calendar. This, for 1968, will consist of a very striking cover, bearing a dramatic colour picture taken at sea from the Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, life-boat, and the months spread over both sides of six pages. Each month will be headed by an attractive colour photograph of a seascape, several of them having direct life-boat associations.

The calendar will cost 55. 6d. post free, complete with special cardboard envelope. There will, in addition, be available the usual pocket calendar selling at 3d. each. This year it will feature in black and white a reproduction of a draw- ing of a life-boat coxswain at the wheel specially drawn for the R.N.L.I.

by Eric Fraser, F.S.I.A.

The Institution, will have on sale only one Christmas card this year, selling at 8d., post free, complete with envelope. Another of Coxswain Hayle's excellent colour photographs, taken on board the Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, life-boat, will be used for this.

An informative leaflet, showing colour reproductions of the Christmas card and the two calendars, together with an order form, will be enclosed with the September number..