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St. Leger, of Hull

At 4.42 p.m. on 3rd November, 1966 information was received that the trawler St. Leger, of Hull, was making for Bridlington Bay as one of her crew had a severely lacerated arm and needed hospital treatment. The life-boat TillieMorrison, Sheffield 11 was launched at 5.30 with a doctor on board. There was a light north north westerly wind and a moderate sea. It was two hours before high water. She came up with the trawler five miles north east of Flamborough Head and the doctor was put aboard together with the second coxswain as first aid man. While the doctor treated the patient the life-boat escorted the trawler into the bay. The injured seaman was then transferred to the life-boat which landed him at Bridlington. The life-boat arrived back on station at 9.25..