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New Year Honours

The following were among those honoured by the Queen in the New Year Honours - C.B.

Rear Admiral Geoffrey H. Carcw-Hunt, Admiral Commanding Reserves, is an ex-officio member of the Committee of Management of the Institution.


Mr. Stirling Whorlow, Secretary of the Royal National Life-boat Institution.

The many letters and telegrams of congratulation he received, including one from Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent, the Institution's President, indicate how much this award was welcomed throughout the life-boat service. It was recognized not only as a personal distinction to a man who carries the increasingly onerous duties of his post, but also as a tribute to the sen-ice as a whole.

Typical of comments received from life-boat stations were: 'We all feel sure that this must be a tremendous encouragement to you in your most responsible position and some recompense for the demands made upon you', and 'May I offer my sincere congratulations on behalf of the many people here who have always appreciated your tremendous efforts on behalf of the Institution ?' Mr.

Whorlow has been Secretary since 1961, following over seven years as Assistant Secretary. His total service with the Institution amounts to 37 years.


Coxswain Albert Watson, of the Cromarty life-boat. Mr. Watson, who belongs to a well-known seafaring family, has been in the service of the Institution for 38 years and coxswain of the Cromarty boat for 32 of them..