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Les Imp

Plymouth, South Devon At 1.8 p.m. on loth November, 1966, news was received that a fishing boat was on fire near the wreck in Whitesand Bay and two or three people appeared to be in a dinghy.

The life-boat Lloyd's, on temporary duty at the station, slipped her moorings at in a light northerly wind and a calm sea. It was two hours before high water.

A fishing boat in the vicinity picked up two survivors and landed them at Plymouth, where one of them, who was suffering from shock, was conveyed to hospital. When the life-boat arrived on the scene she took the owner of the burning cabin cruiser Les Imp from another fishing boat which was standing by, recovered a dinghy belonging to the casualty and took another in tow. She stood by until the cabin cruiser sank, and then returned to her station at 5.10..