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Teesmouth, Yorkshire - At 6 a.m.

on 3oth November, 1966, information was received that the motor vessel Gathland had an injured man aboard who required medical assistance, and that a doctor had agreed to go to him. The last known position of the vessel was fortysix miles north east of Whitby but theharbour office was unable to establish radio contact. With the doctor on board, the life-boat Sarah Jane and James Season launched at 7.10 in a gale force north westerly wind and a very rough sea. She proceeded towards the last known position of the Gothland and at 9.15 made radio contact. The life-boat came alongside the vessel at 10.5 and put the doctor aboard. After examining the patient he decided to remain on board and the Gothland set course for the Tees, accompanied by the life-boat. They arrived at Tees dock at 1.15. and the patient was taken to hospital. As the gale force wind made it impossible to rehouse the lifeboat, she was tied up in the Tees dock and rehoused the next day..