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Ems Ore, of Monrov

Penlee, Cornwall - At 7 a.m. on ist October, 1966, the captain of the motor vessel Ems Ore, of Monrovia, asked for police and medical help. At 9.45 the life-boat Solomon Browne launched in a fresh north westerly breeze and slight sea. The tide was ebbing. A doctor and police officers were embarked at Newlyn. The life-boat proceeded to the vessel which was four miles south of Penzance. The doctor and police went aboard the Ems Ore which then proceeded into the Bay and dropped anchor. At 12.30 p.m. the life-boat with the doctor on board left the vessel and returned to Newlyn which was reached at 12.45. Due to low water at the life-boat slipway the life-boat was left at Newlyn until she could be rehoused at 4 o'clock..