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Boston Wasp

Filey, Yorkshire - At 7.20 p.m. on I yth September, 1966, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that the trawler Boston Wasp, which was fifty miles off Filey had a badly injured man on board who required immediate medical attention. She was steaming due east towards Filey at eleven knots. The lifeboat The Isa & Penryn Milsted was launched at 7.45 with a doctor on board.

There was a light westerly wind and a choppy sea. It was two and a half hours after high water. A Shackleton aircraft and a helicopter took off but the helicopter had to turn back because of its limited fuel capacity. The Shackleton located the trawler and guided the life-boat to her through the thick mist by droppingflares and keeping in radio contact with both vessels. The life-boat met the trawler approximately fourteen miles north east of Flamborough and put the doctor aboard. When he had treated the injured man they were both transferred to the life-boat which returned to Filey, where an ambulance was waiting to take the man to hospital. The life-boat arrived back on station at 2 a.m. on i8th September..