The Shark-Fishing Vessel Mark Twain
Plymouth, Devon - At 5.15 p.m. on 22nd June, 1966, the life-boat Thomas Forehead and Mary Roivse proceeded to Mount Wise pier to meet the Commander- in-Chief, Plymouth, and Lady Talbot who were to go out on exercise with the boat. At 5.45, while making fast to the pier, a message was received by R/T from Rame Head coastguard advising that a fishing boat had broken down between Mewstone and West Rutts.
There was a fresh south westerly breezewith a moderate swell. It was two hours after low water. Leaving the Commanderin- Chief and Lady Talbot behind, the life-boat left within 20 seconds and soon came up with the shark-fishing vessel Mark Twain, whose owner had managed to get the engines working again. The life-boat escorted the Mark Twain to her moorings in Yealm river before returning to her station, where she arrived at 8 o'clock..