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Whitby, Yorkshire - At 1.20 p.m. on 8th June, 1966, an R/T message was received from the m.f.v. Provider stating she had sprung a serious leak about seven miles north east of Whitby. The life-boat Mary Ann Hepworth launched at 1.25 in a light easterly wind and a slight sea. It was an hour and a half before low water.

She went to the position given and withthe aid of the Provider's direction finder the vessels met about seven miles off Whitby. The life-boat asked the coastguard by R/T to have a pump available when they reached port. Escorted by the life-boat, the casualty reached the harbour bar, but owing to her deep draft went aground. The life-boat towed her clear and when the Provider had been safely berthed returned to her station, arriving at 3.25..