Sheringham, Norfolk - At 8.42 a.m.
on ist July, 1966 a message was received that the m.v. Pantarali, lying off the Dudgeon lightvessel, had a sick crew member on board who required medical attention. An R.A.F. helicopter was lowering a doctor aboard but life-boat assistance was requested. The life-boat The Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows was launched at 9.16 in a light variable south-westerly wind and a slight sea. At 9.47 the coastguard informed the life-boat that the sick man had died. The helicopter could not take the body ashore, so the life-boat was requested to convey the body ashore together with the widow and a young crew member who was acting as interpreter for her. The widow was a Greek without any knowledge of English. The life-boat reached the Pantarali at 11.40 and took off the body, the widow and the interpreter. The coastguard had informed the coxswain that the widow was not aware that her husband had died so it was requested that a doctor stand by to meet the life-boat at Sheringham. He went aboard as soon as the life-boat arrived and gave the widow a sedative. She and the seaman were taken to the boathouse while the body was landed. The life-boat was back on station at 4.10 p.m..