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Lily (1)

Rhyl, Flintshire, and New Brighton, Cheshire - At 10.15 p.m. on i5th July, 1966, news was received that the m.f.v.

Lily had been towed from about 11 miles west of the Bar lightvessel by the Bar pilot boat and handed over to the Mersey pilot cutter Puffin at the Bar. The master of the pilot boat on station at the Bar requested that the New Brighton lifeboat take over the tow as the station was extremely busy. The life-boat Norman B.

Corlett left her moorings at 10.15 in a strong north-westerly wind and a choppy sea. It was high water. She met the Puffin at Crosby Buoy at 11.40 and took over the towing of the m.f.v. Lily to Birkenhead.

After completing this service the lifeboat returned to her station at 1.50 a.m.

On 16th July Rhyl life-boat also launched, but was recalled when the Bar pilot boat reached the casualty..