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Cardiff Queen

Ilfracombe, Devon - On 30th July, 1966, the life-boat Lloyd's II was afloat at Combe Martin in connection with the local life-boat flag day. After she left Combe Martin Bay at 8.30 p.m. the pleasure steamer Cardiff Queen was seen about one mile north of the Copras, making for Ilfracombe. About 10 minutes later the coxswain noticed that the steamerhad stopped. There was a fresh north westerly wind gusting to gale force, and a rough sea. It was three and a half hours after high water. The life-boat proceeded to the Cardiff Queen and found that the steamer had anchored because of an engine defect. At the request of the steamer's master the life-boat stood by and later proceeded to Ilfracombe to advise the agent of the steamer's position.

The life-boat then returned to the casualty and stood by for a further two hours, subsequently escorting her to Ilfracombe. The life-boat arrived back on station at n o'clock..