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A Launch

Newhaven, Sussex - At 3.26 p.m.

on 26th June, 1966, a small launch was seen in difficulties two miles off the Martello tower at Seaford. There was a strong south westerly wind with a moderate sea. It was two hours before high water. The life-boat Kathleen Mary launched at 3.55. As she proceeded to the position given an R/T message was received from the m.f.v. Margaret that she had taken the launch and another motor boat in tow. The skipper of the Margaret was injured and she required the help of the life-boat. The Kathleen Mary took over the tow of the two small boats and the life-boat bowman was put on board the Margaret, which was carrying a fishing party of 12, to bring her safely into harbour. The launch and motor boat were handed over to a work boat at the entrance to the harbour, and the life-boat then proceeded to the help of two people reported cut off by the tide at Bastion Steps. Peacehaven. The lifeboat stood by while the two people were rescued by a helicopter, and then returned to her station, arriving at 7.45..