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A Dinghy

New Brighton, Cheshire - At 8.50 p.m.

on ist June, 1966, a message was received that a dinghy had capsized in the Rock Channel off Harrison Drive. The life-boat Norman B. Corlett left her moorings at 9 o'clock in a strong west north westerly wind and a choppy sea. It was one hour before high water. The dinghy was sighted at 9.15 with the two survivors clinging to her. The men were taken on board the life-boat, which took the dinghy in tow, and then went to the assistance of the West Cheshire sailing club's rescue boat whose engine had broken down when attempting to help the dinghy. The three-man crew of the rescue boat were also taken on board the life-boat. A line was then secured to the rescue boat and the life-boat returned to New Brighton towing both casualties.

She reached her station at 10.31..