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A Dinghy (6)

Swanage, Dorset - At noon on I4th August, 1966, a small sailing dinghy appeared to be in difficulties off Durlston Head. The life-boat R.L.P. was launched immediately in a light south westerly wind and a slight sea. It was two hours after high water. While the life-boat was on passage a full description of the dinghy was circulated by R/T, and the coastguard at St. Albans Head reported that a boat answering this description had safely negotiated the Race and was heading for Lulworth. Having carried out a search the R.L.P. turned for Swanage. When she had reached Anvil Point the coxswain's attention was attracted by a number of people at the foot of the cliff. The life-boat's rubber dinghy was launched and it was found that a man had fallen down the cliff and was seriously injured. He was taken aboard the lifeboatlifeboat together with the doctor who was attending him, and the R.L.P. returned to her station, arriving at 3.50..