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The Sailing Barge Asphodel

Walton and Frinton, Essex - At 8.3 p.m. on igth May, 1966, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that the radio ship Olga Patricia had reported that a fishing smack was firing red flares about one mile north of her. The life-boat Edian Courtauld left her moorings at 8.25 in a strong south-west-by-westerly wind and a moderate sea. She had to keep outside the Pye Sands until reaching High Hill buoy. The life-boat found the sailing barge Asphodel, belonging to the Thames Barge Sailing Club, at 9.7. She had been cruising with club members on board when a squall had carried away her port vang. Her sprit-sail was broken and her top and main sails had both fouled. The life-boat came up with the barge, which was still making six knots, passed a line to her and took her in tow to Harwich, arriving at 9.50. At the request of the casualty's crew, the barge was anchored off Shotley Spit, and the crew taken ashore to notify their families.

They were then put back on board the barge by the life-boat..