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The Lynn-Well Lightvessel

Skegness, Lincolnshire - At 9 a.m. on 23rd March, 1966, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a badly injured man was aboard the Lynn- Well lightvessel, and as he could not be lifted by helicopter, the services of the life-boat were requested. At 9.30 the lifeboat Charles Fred Grantham was launched in a fresh south westerly breeze and a rough sea. It was one hour after high water. She went to the lightvessel where a helicopter was waiting. An R.A.F.

medical officer was lowered from the helicopter to the life-boat and was then transferred to the lightvessel. At the request of the doctor the life-boat returned to Skegness with himself and the patient on board. She arrived at 12.5 p.m.

and the patient and doctor were transferred to a waiting ambulance. The lifeboat returned to her station at 12.45 P-m-.