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The Ex-Admiralty Motor Fishing Vessel Universal Dipper

Cromer, Norfolk - At 11.30 a.m. on ist February, 1966, the master of the ex- Admiralty motor fishing vessel Universal Dipper, which had grounded 200 yards east of Runton Gap, asked the coxswain if the life-boat would stand-by while attempts were made to refloat the vessel.

There was a light south easterly wind with a smooth sea. The No. 2 life-boat William Henry and Mary King launched at 11.45 on a flooding tide, and, on reaching her, passed a line from a tug to the Universal Dipper. The tug refloated the Universal Dipper and towed the vessel, escorted by the life-boat, to Gt. Yarmouth, arriving at 9 o'clock..