The British Tanker Esso Canterbury
Valentia, Co. Cork - At 9 a.m. on 2nd March, 1966, the Marine Rescue Coordination Centre at Haulbowline informed the honorary secretary that there was a sick man on board the British tanker Esso Canterbury and that her estimated time of arrival in Dingle bay was 5 p.m.
At 3 p.m. the life-boat Rowland Watts, with a doctor on board, set out for the tanker in a strong breeze from the south west and a rough sea. It was low water.
At 6.5 the life-boat reached the tanker six miles north of Valentia harbour. The sick man was taken on board and landed at Reenard Point at 6.45, and was then taken by ambulance to a hospital at Tralee for an operation. The life-boat returned to her moorings at 6.45 p.m..