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Sidelights on Stations and Places . . .

When the Charles H. Barrett (Civil Service No. 55) docked at Broad Quay, Bristol, in preparation for Bristol Life-boat Day, television announcer Guy Thomas, on behalf of T.W.W.

Ltd., presented a television set to the crew.

Mr. Jack Abbott, who has provided St. Mary's life-boat with a radar set, plans to donate a stained glass window to the church of St. Mary's. The theme will be the life-boat and the light-house services, but the completion date will not be until September, 1967.

Port Talbot, Glamorganshire, was the scene on 2ist May, 1966, of the opening of a new IRB station. Normally IRB stations are commissioned without ceremony but in this case there were special grounds for marking the occasion.

The cost of the boat and its equipment ~ £?5° ~ was met locally and the new boathouse - it is strategically sited both operationally and from the publicity aspects - was erected by Mr. D. A. Scott, president of the Port Talbot branch of the Institution.

The Mayor of Port Talbot, Councillor J. Gwyn Lewis, O.B.E., welcomed the construction of the station and declared it open, while Sir John Brocklebank, a member of the Committee of Management, cut the tape to signify the official launching of the boat.

Mrs. D. A. Scott, wife of the president, unveiled a commemorative plaque inside the rescue boat station, and the dedication was undertaken by the Rev.

A. T. M. Jasper, Chaplain of Missions to Seamen, Port Talbot and Swansea, assisted by Mr. W. K. I. Jones, Missions to Seamen, Port Talbot.

At the conclusion of the ceremony, Mr. L. W. G. Coyde, local honorary secretary, presented a painting of a lifeboat to the Mayor on behalf of the Port Talbot branch of the R.N.L.I.

The Deputy Chief Inspector of Lifeboats, Commander D. G. Wicksteed, R.N.R., attended from headquarters.

Publications prepared by the R.N.L.I.

are among 1,500 books, periodicals, designs and photographs now being shown on the continent by the British Council under the title of 'The Sea and Small Craft'..