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AGROUND At 9.36 a.m. on 2ist May, 1966, the coastguard informed the coxswain that a cabin cruiser called Security was aground on Margate sands. The boat was kept under observation from the harbour by the coxswain and honorary secretary, who were informed at 11.9 by the coastguard that the cabin cruiser could be in difficulties as she refloated on the flooding tide. There was a moderate south westerly wind with a corresponding sea. It was two hours before high water. The life-boat Elizabeth Elson, on temporary duty at the station, launched at 11.45 hours and proceeded to the position of the Security about three miles north east of Margate. The cabin cruiser's engines had broken down, and as the weather was deteriorating, the life-boat took her in tow to Ramsgate, arriving at 2.15 p.m. While at Ramsgate the life-boat received an R/T message from Deal coastguard advising that a small craft had capsized off Westgate and her crew of two were in the water. The life-boat immediately set off again but while off Foreness Point a further message was received that a helicopter from R.A.F. Mansion had rescued the two people..