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Oranje Nassau

Penlee, Cornwall - At n a.m. on 28th May, 1966, the honorary secretary was told that the life-boat would be needed at about 8 a.m. the following day to bring an injured man ashore from the Dutch motor vessel Oranje Nassau.

The life-boat Solomon Browne was launched at 8.30 a.m. on 29th May in a gale force east south easterly wind and a very rough sea. It was low water. She went to Newlyn and embarked a doctor. The lifeboat rendezvoused with the Oranje Naussau at 10 o'clock six miles east of Tater-du lighthouse. The casualty was transferred to the life-boat which returned to Newlyn an hour later when the injured man was transferred to a waiting ambulance and conveyed to hospital. The life-boat remained on moorings in Newlyn harbour until the weather moderated on ist June, when she was rehoused..