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Stronsay, Orkneys - At 6 a.m. on 5th March, 1966, the honorary secretary received a telephone message from the doctor on Sanday Island stating that he had an urgent case requiring immediate hospital attention in Kirkwall. Because of land transport difficulties the use of the life-boat The John Gellatly Hyndman was requested to take the patient to hospital.

She set out at 6.30 for Kettletoft pier, Sanday, in a moderate south westerly breeze, arriving at 7.10. It was three hours after low water. She left at 7.25 with the patient and a nurse on board and reached Kirkwall at 9.45. She waited to take the nurse back to Sanday, and left Kirkwall at eleven o'clock arriving at Sanday at p.m. The life-boat then left immediately for her station where she arrived at two o'clock..